
The general information on all the components used in this API is provided below.

1. Objects


"result": String "Operation result (LoV: SUCCESS, FAILED)",
"resultCode": String "Result Code",               // Service Result Codes  
"resultDescription": String "Result Description", // Service Result Codes  
"resultDetail": String "Additional operation result detail",
"timeElapsed": String "API execution time",
"responsetime": String "Response time in API DATE-TIME Format"


"id": Integer "Payguru subscription id",
"service": Integer "Payguru service id",
"status": String "Subscription status",
"msisdn": String "10 digit msisdn",
"operator": Integer "Operator id (Lov:1, 4, 5)",
"subscriptionFee": Double "Subscription charging fee",
"period": String "Period (Lov: monthly, weekly)", 
"subscriptionDate": String "Subscription start date",
"renewalDate": String "Subscription renewal date",
"cancellationDate": String "Subscription cancellation date",
"cancellationSource": String "Subscription cancellation source",
"referenceCode": String "Merchant reference code",
"hasTrialPeriod": Boolean "Subscription has trial period?",
"trialPeriodDay": Integer "Trial period day",
"lastTransaction":{TRANSACTION_SIMPLE_DETAIL}  ,


"id": Integer "Payguru subscription id",
"service": Integer "Payguru service id",
"status": Integer "Subscription status",
"msisdn": String "10 digit msisdn",
"operator": Integer "Operator id (Lov:1, 4, 5)",
"subscriptionFee": Double "Subscription charging fee",
"period": String "Period (Lov: monthly, weekly)",
"subscriptionDate": String "Subscription start date in API date time format"
"renewalDate": String "Renewal/expire date in API date time format"
"cancellationDate": String "Cancellation date in API date time format"
"cancellationSource": String "Cancellation date in API date time format"
"hasTrialPeriod": Boolean "Subscription has trial period?",
"trialPeriodDay": Integer "Trial period day",


"id": Integer "Payguru transaction id",
"service": Integer "Payguru service id",
"status": Integer "Transaction status",
"msisdn": String "10 digit msisdn",
"operator": Integer "Operator id (Lov:1, 4, 5)",
"error": String "Transaction error",
"errorDetail": String "Transaction error detail from operator",
"transactionDate": String "Transaction date in API date time format"
"subscriptionId": Integer "Related subscription ID"


"id": Integer "Payguru transaction id",
"status": Integer "Transaction status",
"service": Integer "Payguru service id",
"msisdn": String "10 digit msisdn",
"operator": Integer "Operator id (Lov:1, 4, 5)",
"item": String "Merchant item/service name related with transaction",
"amount": Double "Charging amount",
"transactionDate": String "Charging attempt date in API date time format ",
"refundDate": String "Charging refund date in API date time format",
"referenceCode": String "Merchant reference code",
"error": String "Transaction error",
"errorDetail": String "Transaction error detail from operator",


"totalCount": Integer "Total records count in collection",
"limit": Integer "Max records count allowed per page",
"page": Integer "Current page",
"pageCount": Integer "Total pages count in collection to be iterated"


"column": String "Search column (Lov:msisdn, operator, status etc)",
"term": String "Search term",             
"condition": String, Optional "Condition operator, Default by = (Lov: =, !=, <, >, <=, >=)"


"column": String "Order by column (Lov:id, msisdn, operator, status etc)",
"asc": Boolean, Optional "Sort ASC?, Default by true"             


"id": Integer "Payguru message id",
"service": Integer "Payguru service id",
"msisdn": String "10 digit msisdn",
"operator": Integer "Operator id (LoV:1, 4, 5)",
"type": String "Message type (LoV: mo, mt)",
"message": String "Message content",
"date": String "SMS sent/received date in API date time format ",

2. Formats


yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss     (Example: 2017-11-30T19:02:32)


yyyy-MM-dd             (Example: 2017-11-30)

3. Search and Sort Columns

> Subscription search & sort columns

> Transaction search & sort columns

> Message search & sort columns