Service Status Codes

> HTTP Status Codes

200: OK
204: No Content
400: Bad Request    
403: Forbidden
404: Not Found
409: Conflict   
429: Too Many Requests
500: Internal Server Error
503: Service Unavailable

> Service Results

> Transaction Status Codes

1:  Waiting for customer to confirm the payment. 
3:  Payment processed sucessfully. 
4:  Charging error by the Operator. 
5:  Transaction expired.  
6:  Refund processed sucessfully.
7:  Refund process continues. 
8:  Transaction cancelled as the user has another pending payment waiting for approval.
9:  Transaction cancelled as the end user didn't confirm the payment. 
-18:Transaction cancelled because of another pending payment (mostly in renewals for multiple subscriptions)
-5: The transaction cancelled because of the service price and billing amount mismatch. Configuration error.
-8: Transaction cancelled because of invalid phone number entry. 

> Subscription Status Codes

> Transaction Notifications Error Codes

> Service Result Codes for Create Token in Common Payment Page Flow