Subscription Services

Those are the services that can be used by the merchant in order to "query" and to "cancel" the subscriptions on the Payguru Platform for its services.

1. Get Subscription Detail

It is the service that enables the merchant to query Payguru Platform in order to access the subscription details of a customer.




{merchantId}        Integer Merchant ID
{serviceId}         Integer Service ID.
{subscriptionId}    Integer Subscription ID belonging to the subscription cycle started on Payguru Platform.


    "response": {API_RESPONSE}   , 
    "subscription": {SUBSCRIPTON_DETAIL} 

>Usage Limits

The total number of queries in aggregate on both client and server side can not exceed 1.000 queries per day. Similarly, the number of queries per second can not exceed 5.

2. Cancel Subscription

It is the method enabling merchant to start a cancellation process for a subscription. It cancels the subscription with a particular subscription Id.




{merchantId}        Integer Merchant ID
{serviceId}         Integer Service ID.
{subscriptionId}    Integer Subscription ID belonging to the subscription cycle started on Payguru Platform.


    "response": {API_RESPONSE}   ,
    "subscription": {SUBSCRIPTON_SIMPLE_DETAIL}  

>Usage Limits

The total number of queries in aggregate on both client and server side can not exceed 1.000 queries per day. Similarly, the number of queries per second can not exceed 5.

3. Search Subscriptions

It is the service that enables the merchant to query Payguru Platform in order to access the subscription details of a group of customer with a certain criteria.





Parameter descriptions are shown below:

{merchantId}    Integer                 Merchant ID
{serviceId}     Integer                 Service ID.
{search}        {API_SEARCH_META}       Search Criteria on Searchable Columns in Payguru Platform, maximum 3.
{sort}          {API_SORT_META}         Sort Criteria, maximum 3.
{limit}         Integer (Optional)      Number of records to be shown on each page (Default 10, maximum 100) 
{page}          Integer (Optional)      Number of page (Default 1)


"response": {API_RESPONSE}   ,

>Usage Limits

The total number of queries in aggregate on both client and server side can not exceed 1.000 queries per day. Similarly, the number of queries per second can not exceed 1.

4. Reset Subscriptions by Msisdn

It is the service that enables the merchant to "reset" the subscription of a certain MSISDN being used for testing. This service cancels the subscription and enables the same MSISDIN to test the service.




{merchantId}    Integer Merchant ID
{serviceId}     Integer Service ID.
{msisdn}        String  Mobile Phone number - 10 digit (5XXXXXXXXX)


"response": {API_RESPONSE}   

>Usage Limits

The total number of queries in aggregate on both client and server side can not exceed 20 queries per day. Similarly, the number of queries per second can not exceed 5.

5. Request Subscription

In theory, merchants have the capability to initiate and create subscriptions on the Payguru platform. However, in accordance with the regulatory requirements and the Payguru risk management policies established within the framework of the payment license (license) granted by the BRSA, this service is not reachable and usable by the merchant.