Customer Support Services

Those are the interface components which enable the merchant to give the basic customer support services related to the transactions and subscriptions of the merchant's service on the Payguru Platform. The merchant may use these services to access the customer payment information. Alternatively they can use these services to integrate the Payguru customer support modules to their internal customer suppport activities.

1. Search Messages

It is the service enabling merchant to list all the SMS Messages sent and received by the customer.






Parameter descriptions are shown below:

{merchantId}    Integer                 Merchant ID
{serviceId}     Integer                 Service ID.
{search}        {API_SEARCH_META}       Search Criteria on Searchable Columns in Payguru Platform, maximum 3.
{sort}          {API_SORT_META}         Sort Criteria, maximum 3. 
{limit}         Integer (Opsiyonel)     Number of records to be shown on each page (Default 10, maximum 100)
{page}          Integer (Opsiyonel)     Number of pages (Default 1)


"response": {API_RESPONSE}   ,
"subscriptions":[ {MESSAGE_SIMPLE_DETAIL}   , {MESSAGE_SIMPLE_DETAIL}   , ... ]

>Usage Limits

The total number of queries in aggregate on both client and server side can not exceed 1.000 queries per day. Similarly, the number of queries per second can not exceed 1.